Wednesday, April 29, 2009

An Adorable Couple...

I had so much fun during this session! I smiled and laughed until my jaws hurt! I have the pleasure of doing their wedding this July. I really love engagement can tell so much from them, and this couple really loves each other! We started off at the studio for just a few...and then it was off to the fun stuff....outside!!! I think the outside photos are so much fun. I find that people are more themselves outside and you capture more genuine moments. This was definitely the case for this couple. My future groom really came out of his shell during these outside ones. He was much more comfortable and was in his element! Thank you guys! I can't wait until your are adorable!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

A Great Session.....Part 2

Here is the second part to the previous entry. Such lovely individuals...and such beautiful and handsome siblings. I bet their Mom's and Dad's are proud! I really enjoyed meeting you all!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

A Great Session....

After taking a little while off from the busy Easter sessions, I am right back at work. This session was really was kinda like three sessions in one, so I will probably do separate entries for them. I first photographed this really cute couple...they were just so sweet! And then each of them wanted photos with their siblings for Mother's Day! I thought that was so nice....what a great gift this will be for their families! I had a hard time choosing, but these were a few of my favorite. I love this last one....look at how they are looking at each other!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Happy Easter!!

Just wanted to wish everyone a very Happy Easter! I know, especially when you have kids that it is easy to get caught up with coloring eggs, getting Easter baskets, the "Easter Bunny" and all of the Easter egg hunts. But let's not forget the true meaning of Easter...the sacrifice that Jesus made for all of us! This is truly the greatest sacrifice ever made and I am very grateful! He blesses me daily and I am very thankful!

Hope everyone has a wonderful Easter!!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Last but not least.....

I finally had time to do my kid's Easter photos. I had been so busy doing everyone else's that they were a little neglected. They were actually asking to have their photo taken with the bunnies....and that is very unusual for them because they are so tired of getting their picture taken. Little Adison is usually my difficult one when it comes to getting her photo taken, but I was happily surprised when I got several of her smiling at the camera. The bunnies probably helped though! A BIG thank you to my Mom for helping out with their session. I figured I probably needed some backup with two kids and two bunnies. Anyway, these were a few of my favorite.

Boys...Boys..and more Boys! Part 2

Well here is the second part to this session. I know typically boys aren't supposed to be beautiful...I guess they are supposed to be handsome. But I told their Mommy that these guys were just beautiful! They really are! The two older ones look like their Mommy's family and the baby...well Dad finally got one that looked like him. Really they look identical! The last photo is all of the little guys together..Can you say heart breakers? I can see them breaking a few when they get older! Thanks again...I really enjoyed this session!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Boys...Boys...and more Boys!

This family is definitely blessed with the boys. They are not all siblings but are first cousins. I have to admit that I was a little nervous about doing this session...5 boys...all under the age of 7. Whew!! And the little one only being 10 days old! I have enough trouble getting my two kids to both look at the camera at the same time, but we did manage to get a few good shots. I will be doing two separate entries of this session because it was like doing two sessions in one. The first little guy Ryse was so cute with his little blankee...he just loved it! And I loved the last photo of him with his hair in the mowhawk. Mom and Dad were getting him changed..such a fun shot! And new baby Wil...isn't he such a doll? I love the way newborns look so peaceful while they are sleeping. Thank you guys for allowing me to photograph your precious boys!!!

Brotherly Love....

Aren't these little brothers so handsome! They each have their own unique look. The oldest and my little Landon are best buddies....or as Landon says, "He's my #1 friend." As I understand, alot of fishing "stories" are exchanged between the two of them. A big thank you goes out to their Mommy Kristen for finding a home for my bunnies. I enjoyed them while I had them, but just don't have the time to take care of two more animals!I really enjoyed this session... these little guys are such sweethearts!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

A Beautiful Mother and Daughter

This is such a sweet mother and daughter...such beautiful people. Little Sydnee was such a trooper through her session considering she had been to a sleepover the night before and stayed up until 5:30 in the morning! I was also able to go outside for this session, thanks to the beautiful weather we had. I just love outside sessions!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Customized Cards

I also wanted to share a sample of a customized card that I offer as well. These cards are not only good for just Christmas, but occasions of all types including birthday invitations and birth announcements. For any questions, give me a call or email me!

Friday, April 3, 2009


Just wanted to share a sample of a storyboard or collage that I offer. These can come in several sizes and are customized to however you would like them. You can also view more samples of my collages on my website under the gallery...Storyboard/Collages. Call or email me for more information.