Sunday, September 28, 2008

Little Jasmine

This is Jasmine. Her Mom and I are first cousins and really good friends. We have a long history together dating back to as long as I can remember. We've shared many good times. Anyway little Jasmine is such a cutie. She has goregous blue eyes...which is no surprise...they are just like her mommy's. I hope you enjoy your images.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Cute Katlyn

This is Katlyn. I had a really good time during her senior session. We laughed a lot! Katlyn is such a sweetheart. I have to say that I have been really impressed with the seniors I've had so far. They seem to have it all together. I hope you enjoy your images!

Friday, September 19, 2008

My Little Cutie!

This is Adison. She is my little side kick...wanting to do everything I do. Needless to say, while I was rolling my hair this morning, she wanted hers done too. She looked so I had to take her picture. She thought this was so funny! She is growing up way too quick. I had to share a few of these photos.

Thursday, September 11, 2008


I have had several people ask me about my pricing and if I offer packages, so I thought I would list all of that information on my website. You can now view all of that on there. Thank you for your interest.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Christmas Sessions

I have had several people inquire about Christmas sessions. So I just wanted to let everyone know that I will be offering these sessions. I will be doing these the beginning of November through the first part of December. The session fee will be $50.00 and since this is a special session, you will receive a free 8x10 portrait of your choice. Custom designed Christmas cards will also be offered. These will be 5x7 in size. Of course you will be able to purchase prints also. I am scheduling these sessions now. You can email me or give me a call. Heather

Monday, September 8, 2008

Big Announcement!

Well I have taken a leap of faith! I have opened up my own studio....Heather Larkey Photography. It is located on North 25,(going toward East Bernstadt) in the Oak Tree Plaza Center. This has all happened really fast, but I am really excited. I was hesitant to open a studio because I absolutely love on location shooting, but I realized that I was going to be missing out on a lot of sessions that I love....babies and children. I am truly grateful for the response I have gotten so far. So thank you to all who have supported and encouraged me to take on this new adventure in my life. I will be doing all areas of photography including: maternity, babies, children, seniors, weddings and on location sessions. So call me to schedule your appointment. Looking forward to seeing you there!! Heather