Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The Storm Boys.....Slide Show!

Such precious little boys! Little Sweethearts!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The Storm Boys

These are such good looking brothers...and little sweethearts! What a beautiful location they have at their home! Here were a few from their session and I will be posting a slide show too!

Monday, April 26, 2010

The Maynard and Reid Families..

I really had a great time during this session. I know I say that a lot, but it is true! I must like what I do! This was such a beautiful location....and I just love these sweet! These little girls are so much fun and full of personality! Not to mention..absolutely beautiful! There were so many shots from their session, I don't know how they will ever choose! Here were a few!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Baby Shelby Dean...

This is sweet Shelby Dean. She is already 6 months old! She looks so good too. She is one of the many miracle babies that I have had the privilege of photographing! She weighed only 4lb. 4oz. when she was born and stopped breathing several times. It was touch and go for a long time but now thank the Lord she is doing great! God is so good and still answers prayers! She is precious!!

Friday, April 16, 2010

My Sweet Nieces and Nephew!

Here are my sweet nieces and nephew...aren't they just beautiful! But of course I am a little biased. I am late posting their session. My sister found this beautiful location. It was just gorgeous! We went during the perfect time of day too...the lighting was fantastic! Poor Macie..the oldest had a time with my mean bunny! It actually bit her! But it was trying to eat her ribbon around her waist, so I don't think it intentionally did it. Anyway here were a few!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Limited Edition Creek Sessions!

I am now offering limited edition creek session. Your kids are going to love these...I know mine did! These are great for kids of all ages and for family, and senior sessions too! I am offering these now through May 1st. With your paid session, you will receive a free 11x14 print! Just call or email me for more information or to schedule your appointment! Here are a few from my kid's session.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Sweet Brennon Heath...slideshow

My sweet baby boy! I cannont believe how fast he is growing!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Brennon Heath..6 month session

Here is my sweetie little Brennon Heath. These are from his 6 month session and of course I am late posting these because now he is 7 1/2 months old...but better late than never! He did such a good job...lots of smiles. I think he is already trained!Here were a few of my favorite. I will post a slide show from his session too!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

The Bundy Kids

Here are the Bundy Kids. They did a great job as usual for their session. Both of them absolutely loved the bunny! Could it be because their Dad is a Vet? I would have to say...probably so! Here were a few from their session.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Sweet Maddie Bell

I just love her name...Maddie Bell! Isn't she adorable! It was so good to see her Mom again..we went to high school together! I just love that I get to see so many old friends. Little Maddie Bell was so cute and came ready for her session..she didn't know what to think about the bunny though...I just loved the last photo!